I am an experienced marketing professional in San Luis Obispo, CA who is working towards becoming a web developer. I have worked primarily as a project manager for online product launches, ranging from a new online banking system to a completely overhauled consumer wellness app. I have been deeply involved with the development of the strategies for the projects I am on as well as the execution side, doing it myself sometimes and often working with specialists in the various marketing disciplines.

I am currently the Web Producer at MINDBODY doing content updates on our website, managing our translation/localization needs, project managing for the website related projects, and being scrum master for our team. I am also enrolled in Bloc’s part-time web developer program and slated to finish in March 2018.

A Cal Poly graduate, I was lucky enough to find a job in the area and be able to stay on the Central Coast. In my spare time, I like to golf, hike, cook and enjoy all it has to offer.